Mr. Whitner
John Whitner
Contact me at
August 2024
Dear students, parents and guardians:
Welcome back! This year at Ridgeview Middle School, we are continuing to focus on improving student attendance and improving the reading ability of our students. Both are important skills for students to be successful in school and in life.
Below are a few of the upcoming events:
We are pleased that the “Wolfpack After the Bell” program will continue again this year. Communities in Schools of the Appalachian Highlands and the Wolfpack After the Bell program will have a registration event Thursday, August 22 nd , from 3:30-5:30. The event will be held at the RMS lobby. Drop in to register or update student information, meet the staff and enjoy refreshments.
The first home middle school volleyball game is Tuesday, September 3 rd , against Norton, and the first home middle school football game is Monday, September 9 th against Lee.
A practice lockdown drill is scheduled for later this month. See information on back of this letter.
Photogenius will be taking fall pictures of all of the students for the yearbook and for personal purchase. Those pictures are scheduled for Thursday, August 29 th .
Schools will be closed on Monday, September 2 nd , due to the Labor Day holiday. Students will return on Tuesday, September 3 rd .
Our next PTO meeting is this afternoon, August 15 th , at 4:00. We encourage everyone to attend.
Thanks to everyone who participated in last year’s Food City School Bucks Program. The financial support has been very helpful. We are asking everyone to help us again by going online to and log in to your account to link Ridgeview Middle School with your value card with bar code 40975. The program begins Wednesday, September 4 th and goes through Tuesday, May 6 th . Reminder: everyone has to re-register their Food City Value Card every year.
Two reminders:
First, all students coming to watch home middle school, JV or varsity ballgames have to either ride the bus home or be picked up by the parent and then brought back later to the school for those games. Supervision is not provided for student spectators after school, so students are not allowed to stay after school.
Second, due to medical concerns and health risks for students under age 16 who drink energy drinks such as Monster, Rockstar, Red Bull and NOS, and because of disruptions at school that have occurred by students who have consumed those drinks, energy drinks are not allowed at Ridgeview Middle School during the school day.
Again, we appreciate your support. If you have any questions or concerns, please call me at 835-1601.
Thank you, John R. Whitner
August 15, 2024
Dear Parent(s) or Guardian(s):
Dickenson County Public Schools is committed to providing a safe and orderly learning environment in our schools for all students and staff. In an ongoing effort for the protection and safety of our students and staff, all schools in Dickenson County will be practicing a lockdown drill in the very near future. A lockdown drill involves securing all interior and exterior doors and windows within a building, ensuring all staff and students are sheltered within a safe room until an all-clear message is received. The purpose of the practice drill is to better prepare our students and staff for certain emergency situations while minimizing panic.
We ask parents and guardians to discuss the drill with their child/children and to emphasize to them the necessity for such a practice drill. Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s/children’s principal if you need more information or have any questions about the practice drill.
Thank you,
Karen Martin
Director of Compliance
Dickenson County Public Schools